Visit to Martin's Cove
Martin's Cove was a powerful experience for us. It created two opposing emotions. The first was a feeling of sadness for the horrific suffering that the saints in the handcart companies endured. Over 20% of the people died from hunger, exhaustion and exposure. The second was the feeling of admiration for the saints that survived the experience. Many of the journals and testimonies stated that even though things were difficult beyond measure, they were grateful to be able to come closer to God because of it. They set an example for us to be able to deal better with our challenges and problems that are minor when compared to theirs. The following pictures only scratch the surface to depth of feelings that come from visiting this holy place. Martin Cove welcome sign Example of a old fashioned log cabin Original ranch building Ranch owner's house This property was homesteaded by the Sun family in 1872. It was a successful work...