Our First Visitors - Dave and Tarah

On the way home from Church

(Note: Dave and Tarah were actually here May 15-20. We are just slow getting our pictures sorted.)
Dave, Tarah and Ellie were our first visitors.  It was fun to be able to show them around and share some of the things that we are experiencing. We went to the Visitor's Center where we watched a video presentation explaining the history of Nauvoo. Ellie liked the statues in the Visitors Center and in the Women's Garden. She liked walking with her grandpa as well.

Ellie with statue of the First Vision

Walking in the Women's Garden with Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa in the Women's Garden

On the oxen ride

Ice cream at Annie's

Dinner at the Nauvoo House

Ellie has found a new friend in the Woman's Garden

Getting ready for an oxen ride

By the well at Carthage

At the Carthage Jail

A reverent moment at Carthage

We are having a good time
We are really enjoying our mission.  The spirit here is great.  It is even greater when our posterity comes to share the spirit with us.  We have been blessed with good children, excellent sons and daughters-in-law, marvelous grandchildren and fantastic great-grand children.  The Lord has blessed us more than we deserve and we are thankful for that.

The sunsets on the Mississippi are glorious


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