I Dig Nauvoo

Banner mounted on the wall in the basement of the Red Brick Store
which acts as a storage for the artifacts found in the digs

Tents protecting the dig site from rain and sun

On June 1st we  took the service opportunity to help with the "I Dig Nauvoo" project to uncover the foundation of the Samuel Smith home.  I Dig Nauvoo is a group of archaeologists who have the goal of discovering the various sites that are pertinent to the time period when Joseph Smith lived in Nauvoo.  People come every summer and spend a month searching for more artifacts.  Most of them are volunteers.  Some were from the University of Illinois.

We started our day by putting on our grubby clothes and showing up at the Samuel Smith home that is located in the middle of the field just a bit south and west of our apartment.  They covered the area with tents so there was some shade.  We were assigned a 4 x 8 foot section in the front part of the house.  They dig about  two inches down with each level.  If there is not many artifacts one can use a shovel.  If there are many artifacts then you have to use a trowel and a small scoop to gather the dirt.  The dirt is then placed on a screen where it is sifted and any artifact found is placed in a baggie and labeled as to the level and where it was found.  At the end of the day they are taken to the basement of the Red Brick Store where they are analyzed and cataloged.

Elder and Sister Nelson at "I Dig Nauvoo"

One of the supervisors from the University of Illinois

Norm mostly used the shovel to remove the dirt and Marge pushed the dirt through the screen to reveal any artifacts found. We started at level 4 and cleared down to level 6.  We did find a few things that could be regarded as artifacts and thus bagged them.  Norm found a piece of metal about 12 inches long and about 1 1/2 inches wide. It had rivets in it.  It was not determined what it was.  It was very interesting.  It is surprising what you can learn from lost buttons and discarded pottery.

The site looking West

Sifting the dirt

Elder Nelson found a metal strip in the area near the red scoop 

Metal strip still partially buried

The sifting continues

At the end of the day's dig everything has to be measured and documented for the experts to know where things came from and what they mean

Lab in the basement of the Red Brick Store with the items they found during this summer's dig

Dishes and pottery found in the dig this summer

Metal strip found by us this summer (in center)

Display of artifacts that have been discovered at other sites in past years


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