Trail of Hope

Parley Street is know as the path the pioneers took to go to the Mississippi River as they started their trip West.  The Nauvoo Restoration Group has put up a series of plaques commemorating the exodus from Nauvoo.  Until 2000 this part of Parley Street was call the Trail of Tears.  In 2000 President Hinkley  renamed it the Trail of Hope because of the greatness that these people achieved by leaving Nauvoo and all of the persecution that existed there.  On Sunday and Wednesday evenings, the Young Performing Missionaries portrayed actual people that left Nauvoo and told their stories.  It was a very moving presentation.  For those of you who missed it, the following pictures are a record of a trip down Parley Street just reading the clips from the journals of the people who were involved in the great exodus.  I will let the signs speak for themselves.

Groups waiting for their turn go down the Trail of Hope
Our walk began at sunset

Another shot showing getting a bit closer to starting our turn down the Trail of Hope

What the road looks like in the day time

The end of Parley Street at the Mississippi River


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