Isaac Morley Home
About one mile north of the center of Kirtland, lies the Morley Farm. Brother Isaac Morley and his wife had developed a very good productive farm. He was a long-time resident of Kirkland and was converted to the church when the missionaries came through in 1830 along with many of his friends from the Campbellite church. He was a strong believer and never wavered in his testimony. He had built a 14 x 14 log schoolhouse for his children and others up on a small hill above his farm. When Joseph Smith came to Kirtland the schoolhouse was used for many of the meetings held for the community and the church. The fourth conference of the church was held in this schoolhouse. Isaac Morley was a great support to the growing church. Whatever was asked of him, he obeyed the Lord. When Joseph asked him to sell his farm and give the proceeds to the church, he did so. He was called to be first counselor to Bishop Edward Partridge. He was ordained a patria...
Very interesting