Lucy Mack Smith - A Prophet's Mother

This is the house that Brigham Young provided for Lucy Mack Smith. She only lived there for four months before she had to go back to the mansion house to live with Emma due to failing health and the lack of means to support herself.  She enjoyed having a place to call her own. Mother Smith was a remarkable woman whose faith and determination allowed her to raise a family of god-fearing people who were prepared to step up and fulfill the call from God to restore his Kingdom upon the earth for the latter days. She never doubted Joseph's story and gave her support to help him accomplish the things that the Angel Moroni told him to do.

Site Missionary portraying Lucy Mack Smith

The day that we visited the house one of the site sister missionaries presented a short piece quoting from Lucy's journal some of her experiences in the first person.  It was delightful and probably my very favorite presentation.  She said, "You know, my son was a prophet! I am very proud of what Joseph and Hyrum accomplished."  And she was sad when she mentioned about how many of her children had died before her.  And her husband too.  Then she said, all the time shaking her finger,"I'm going to give you some advice.  You parents, you cherish your children and teach them to do right. You teach them to be good people and always mind their manners.  And you children, you always obey your parents and do what is right.  And do your chores and schoolwork. And always love your parents. That is what God wants you to do." What a spunky brave woman she was!

The stairs in Lucy's house are very steep to the second story.  Brandon was good to help me so that I wouldn't fall.


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