Springfield, Abraham Lincoln Museum

We took some time off from Nauvoo to travel to Springfield, Illinois to learn more about Abraham Lincoln.  We drove there on Saturday after we finished our temple shift.  It takes about 2 1/2 hours to drive there.  We stayed in the Courtyard  Hotel.  We attended the Springfield 1st ward on Sunday morning.  

On Sunday afternoon we went to the Lincoln Museum.  We recommend it for anyone who gets the chance to see it.  They have a hologram show explaining the Lincoln Library that is so life-like that one is sure that the person talking is real.  At the end when he disappears slowly before your eyes you realize that he was just a hologram.  Another show makes the civil war battles come to life when the seats shake when the bombs go off.  The displays contain wax figures that are very life-like.

The following pictures are from the museum.  There is a second blog about the Lincoln Memorial and a third blog about his home. 

Lincoln saw a slave market in New Orleans as a young man and that made him abhor slavery for the rest of your life. 

These are actual slave chains used to control slaves.

As a young man, Lincoln ran a variety store

Lincoln's first courting adventure failed

Lincoln as a lawyer was very successful.  

As a father tending his two active boys, he needed a bit of help.

A model of the famous Lincoln-Douglas debates

These two pictures show the timeline of Lincoln's political career.

A figure depicting Mary Todd Lincoln in a gown as first lady.

Mrs. Lincoln had a maid that helped her while she lived in the White House.

Mrs. Lincoln in her mourning dress after the death of her son.

Everyone in this picture is a wax figure except the man in the front who is a live actor explaining the emancipation proclamation.                                                                                 (See the emancipation proclamation blog.)

Lincoln meeting with his cabinet working on the emancipation proclamation.

John Wilkes Booth getting ready to assassinate President Lincoln.

Lincoln and Mary Todd in the Ford Theater

Replica of Lincoln's casket

The Lincoln family in the foyer of the Lincoln Museum

Marge with the Lincoln family

Norm with the Lincoln family


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